[英] 朱利安·巴恩斯
译 / 顾忆青
The Limner
by Julian Barnes
From the edge of his eye, Wadsworth became aware that his client had spoken, but he did not divert his gaze from the tip of his brush. Instead he pointed to the bound notebook in which so many sitters had written comments, expressed their praise and blame, wisdom and fatuity. He might as well have opened the book at any page and asked his client to select the appropriate remark left by a predecessor five or ten years before. The opinions of this customs collector so far had been as predictable as his waistcoat buttons, if less interesting. Fortunately, Wadsworth was paid to represent waistcoats, not opinions. Of course, it was more complicated than that: to represent the waistcoat, and the wig, and the breeches, was to represent an opinion—indeed, a whole corpus of them. The waistcoat and breeches showed the body beneath, as the wig and hat showed the brain beneath—though, in some cases, it was a pictorial exaggeration to suggest that any brains lay beneath.
◎ 关于作者:Julian Barnes
朱利安·巴恩斯(1946-),英国后现代主义作家。自1980年以来,他就跻身于英国80年代最具影响力的作家群之列,他和马丁·艾米斯(Martin Amis)、伊恩·麦克伊万(Ian McEwan,《赎罪》的作者)一道成为当代英国文坛的佼佼者。他下笔极有灵气,睿智过人,文字俏丽圆熟,技艺炉火纯青。凭借其《福楼拜的鹦鹉》(Flaubert's Parrot, 1984)、《英格兰,英格兰》(England, England, 1998)、《亚瑟与乔治》(Arthur & George, 2005),巴恩斯三度冲击“布克奖”;他还曾获得“杰弗里·费伯纪念奖”、“福斯特奖”、“古腾堡奖”、“莎士比亚奖”及法国“美第契外国作品奖”(1986)和“费米娜外国小说奖”(1992)。
◎ 延伸阅读:
The Limner by Julian Barnes
(from The New Yorker, January 5, 2009 )
Funny. My wife collects waistcoat buttons, among others.
ReplyDeletegood!nice blog.
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