从山端庸介所拍摄的照片中,我们能够窥见世界末日的图景。但现如今,我们所面临的挑战,不仅仅是认识到核武器造成的巨大危害,而且还要把握天赐良机彻底消除它。值此之际,我们似乎还需要另一张照片,一张能够平复长崎的毁灭所带来的伤痛的照片,彰显我们成功所得的希望而非战败所失的家园。然而,那张照片该是什么样子的? 我们如何呈现世界末日的反面?难道是受创之前完好无损又生机勃勃的长崎?或许是幸免于难的九洲岛? 难道是一个孩子,一对母子?或者就是我们赖以生存的地球本身?看起来很难找到一幅合适的画面,因为对于现在和未来所有人的生命,我们如何给这般无穷变幻的事物,赋予一个具体有形的呈现? 对世界末日的想象抑或是对现世延续的憧憬,必定是不甚全面的。唯有付诸行动才能令人满意。
A View of Mountains
by Jonathan Schell
Yamahata's pictures afford a glimpse of the end of the world. Yet in our day, when the challenge is not just to apprehend the nuclear peril but to seize a God-given opportunity to dispel it once and for all, we seem to need, in addition, some other picture to counterpoise against ruined Nagasaki - one showing not what we would lose through our failure but what we would gain by our success. What should that picture be, though? How do you show the opposite of the end of the world? Should it be Nagasaki, intact and alive, before the bomb was dropped -- or perhaps the spared city of Kokura? Should it be a child, or mother and child or the earth itself? None seems adequate, for how can we give definite form to that which can assume infinite forms, namely the lives of all human beings, now and in the future? Imagination, faced with either the end of the world or its continuation, must remain incomplete. Only action can satisfy.
Once, the arrival in the world of new generations took care of itself. Now, they can come into existence only if, through an act of faith and collective will, we ensure their right to exist. Performing that act is the greatest of the responsiblity of the generations now alive. The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.
◎ 关于作者:Jonathan Schell
乔纳森·谢尔(1943- ),是美国著名的改革派作家、耶鲁大学全球化研究中心访问学者,先后执教于耶鲁、普林斯顿以及哈佛等名校。他定期为《哈拨斯》(Harpen’s)、《外交事务》(Foreign Affairs)和《国家》(The Nation)等知名杂志撰稿。年轻时还一度作为《纽约客》(The New Yorker)杂志记者赴前线报道越南战争。这些经历使得他善于把握时代主题,并懂得如何以最清晰、最吸引人的方式向公众作阐述。主要著作有《边水村庄》(The Village of Ben Suc)、《地球的命运》(The Fate of the Earth)(1982年获普利策奖)、《不可征服的世界:力量、非暴力和人民的意志》(The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People)等。 本文选自他的作品《时间的礼物:现在终止核武器》(The Gift of Time: The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Weapons Now)。
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